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Script Coverage

Screenplay Coverage

Designed for the Rewrite Process

*Once payment is made, you receive an email to submit your script.

Quick & Basic


Up to 90 pages, $1 ea additional page.

72-hour turnaround.

High-level Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Brief Synopsis

Overall Mark


Basic Plus


Up to 90 pages, $2 ea. additional page.

72-hour turnaround.

High-level Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Overall Mark


15 Minute Follow-Up Phone Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)



Up to 120 pgs,  $2 ea. additional pg.

5  business days turnaround.

In-depth Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Plot Review

Dialogue Review

Marketing Review with Comps

Overall Mark


30 Minute Follow-Up Phone Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)

*Phone Consultations are recorded and sent to writer.

Premium Plus


Up to 120 pgs, $2 ea. additional pg.

10 business days turnaround

In-depth Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Plot Review

Dialogue Analysis

Marketing Review with Comps

Page Notes

Copy Edit Service Detailed by Page Number

Second Reader Brief Analysis

Overall Mark


60 Minute Follow-Up Phone/In-Person Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)

*Phone Consultations are recorded and sent to writer.

Teleplay/TV Coverage

Designed for the Rewrite Process

*Once payment is made, you receive an email to submit your script.

Quick & Basic


Up to 60 pages, $1 ea additional page.

72-hour turnaround.

High-level Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Brief Synopsis

Overall Mark


Basic Plus


Up to 60 pages, $2 ea. additional page.

72-hour turnaround.

High-level Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Overall Mark


15 Minute Follow-Up Phone Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)



Up to 60 pgs,  $2 ea. additional pg.

5 business days turnaround.

In-depth Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Dialogue Review

Plot Review

Marketing Review with Comps

Overall Mark


30 Minute Follow-Up Phone Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)

*Phone Consultations are recorded and sent to writer.

Premium Plus


Up to 60 pgs, $2 ea. additional pg.

10 business days turnaround.

In-depth Analysis w/ Notes

Industry Scoring Rubric

Story Structure Feedback

Character Development Review

Full Synopsis


Dialogue Analysis

Plot Review

Marketing Review with Comps

Page Notes

Copy Edit Service Detailed by Page Number

Second Reader Brief Analysis

Overall Mark


60 Minute Follow-Up Phone/In-Person Consultation (Schedule w/in 3 Days of Receiving Notes)

*Phone Consultations are recorded and sent to writer.

Scriptwriting Services 

Compare our service packages and find the best fit for you.


Call for Rates​

Best for Producers

Screenplay w/edits

One-Page pitch Sheet


Character Breakdown


Graphic Cover


Call for Rates​

Best TV Package Offer

Teleplay Pilot

Series Bible


One-Page Pitch Sheet

Character Breakdown



Graphic Cover


Call for Rates​

Best TV Starter

Teleplay Pilot

One-Page pitch Sheet



Character Breakdown


Graphic Cover

Script Writing Services​


TV Series Outline

An overall view of main plots and subplots of your script. Generally, this is an 8-point sequence of events which establishes the story, character’s journey, change points, resolution, story twist, and entertainment value.

Call for rates

Teleplay (Script)

Television script within any genre up to 80 pages.

Priced Page


Feature Film Treatment*

2 to 5-page document used to query production companies.


Film Outline

An overall view of main plots and subplots of your script. Generally, this is an 8-point sequence of events which establishes the story, character’s journey, change points, resolution, story twist, and entertainment value.

Call for Rates

Screenplay (Script)

Film script within any genre up to 120 pages.

Priced Per Page

Short Film (Script)

Film script within any genre up to 30 pages.


Script Doctoring Services


Brainstorm/Concept Development

1st Time Clients - 15 Minute Consultation Free.

Brief Read and Review session.


Screenplay - Brainstorm/Concept Development

Brief Read and Review session.


Screenplay Doctoring/Rewrite

Rewrite up to 90 pages.

Up to $2000

Teleplay Doctoring/Rewrite

Rewrite up to 85 pages.

Up to $1200


Page-One Rewrite

Change everything in the script maintaining only the central premise and possibly characters. Most elements may or may not remain in the script.



Up to 90 pages. (Depending on the state of the script Bridge 17 reserves the right to ask for up 10% of project budget and/or full writer's credit in accordance with WGA.)

$7,500- $10,000


Up to 85 pages. (Depending on the state of the script Bridge 17 reserves the right to ask for up 10% of project budget and/or full writer's credit in accordance with WGA.)

$5,500 - $7,500

One-Pager Review/Rewrite

Per page.


Character Development Review/Rewrite

Per page


À la carte Services


One-Page Pitch

Includes basic graphic cover, tone, logline, and synopsis. (Up to two pages, $50 each additional page).



A one sentence summary of your script. A brief summary of a scripted or reality series, film, or web series often includes the story plot and an emotional hook to stimulate interest. 


Brief Series/Film Synopsis

A summary of episodes for a TV series or Film. 


Episodic Synopsis

A brief description of episodes for a TV series. Minimum of 3 episodes required.


Production - Ready

Series Bible

TV Series Bible includes a treatment, 12 - 15 episode synopsis, logline, extended character breakdown with personality signatures, tone, graphic cover, and overall fictional world of the series.

*Examples available upon request.


Pitch Book

The Project Pitch Book is a consolidation of multiple projects from TV to Film. Geared towards producers; the pitch book is a vital tool when seated in front of executives or studios. The book exhibits variety, professional presentation, and a succinct explanation of projects with tone, loglines, synopsis, character breakdown, and show overview.

*Examples available upon request.

$1800 - $2250

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